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The pendulum

A few days ago a friend showed me his obsidian pendulum. Me, as a good skeptic, I immediately asked some questions to see the answer. Surprisingly I realized that it was not ambiguous answers, but it was a yes or a not. In fact important is how the questions are asked to obtain these simple answers. However, at the end I asked to try it myself and the answers have left me speechless: at the first glance seemed correct answers. Then curiosity led me to inquire more about it.

Since ancient times, man has sought information about the future through divination. From this need arise divination arts to obtain answers to questions about the events to come. The pendulum uses the art of dowsing, or the ability of some people to perceive electromagnetic vibrations through inert bodies, such as wands and, of course, pendulum.
The first question is: how did a pendulum. Simple! It is a rope, 30-50 cm in length, also made up of a little chain. It hangs a slightly heavy body made up of different materials (stone, iron, wood, etc..). What I saw in the hands of my friend, for example, was of obsidian.
Now, how is it used? Well, firmly holding the ends of the rope and leaving to oscillate the body. The tip of the pendulum should be at a distance not exceeding 3-4 cm from surface on which it is suspended. It seems that a movement from right to left is a negative response, a movement back and forth is affirmative, while a rotary movement is uncertain.
Last thing: for what do you use it? Practically everything: divination (i.e., questions about past, present and future), but also to find lost objects (following direction of oscillatory movement). Curiously, in Italy is impossible forget the legendary Maurizio Mosca, so dear to those who love football, who used pendulum to predict match results (not ever getting the correct answer!).


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