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Suzanne Collins - Hunger Games

Katniss begins her daytime normally: she skip furtively under a fence to enter, against the law, in the woods and she hunts illegally. This is her life within the District 12 after the devastating victory of Capitol City after the war. But nothing is really normal. The Harvest is near: every year Capitol City reaffirms its supremacy through a drawing lots, in each of the 12 districts, of a boy and a girl between 12 and 18 years, 24 tributes. They will play to the Hunger Games, a reality show in which remains only the last player alive after to have killed everybody else. But when her younger sister is choice for the Games, without hesitation she comes forward and she offers herself as a voluntary. So begins the adventure of Katniss and her male partner, Peeta the baker, inside the arena where both will have to give the most, because only the strongest can return back home. But a spark begin to flame and Capitol City is near to burn.

Rarely I see a film at the cinema and soon i'm going out to going directly to the library to buy the book from which it is drawn. Well, this was one of those times. Hunger Games is composed of a trilogy, with the next Girl of Fire and The Song of Revolt, that from the first book is written very well. Essential and sliding, the narrative surrounds the reader like a blanket and led him to explore before inaccessible areas of District 12, and then the terrible arena created especially for the television show. While reading mix between their anxiety, fear, sadness and emotion, but also knows how to instill a sense of participation also in the courage of the protagonist. In some places you can almost see landscapes and events.


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